Thursday, September 20, 2018

8A-Solving The Problem

In the previous exercise, I said that an opportunity exists in the food industry because many people find that cooking takes too much time or that the cost of delivery is too expensive for takeaway meals. My solution is simple, you should create a phone application connected to the refrigerators that allows you to analyze food and make combinations of food-based dishes in this refrigerator. Then once the dish is chosen, all we have to do is click on it and see how long it is supposed to take to cook. This idea reduces both the food cost (because people no longer have to buy food for specific dishes because they did not know they could make meals based on what they already had in their fridges) and it also reduces the time spent in the kitchen because the customers will decide which dishes they want to make based on the cooking time of the dishes proposed by my application.


  1. Hey Max! I think that there is a great opportunity with this idea because I always want to cook meals but don't want to have to go to the store to buy a bunch of ingredients that I don't usually use. I think that it may be difficult to record all of the food that goes into the refrigerator every time you go to the store or run out of something but for people that are really dedicated, they can make sure that this problem does not hinder them in the application.

  2. Hey Max,
    I like your solution a lot and if this app was created, I would definitely try it out. I feel like there is a lot of food wasted because we don’t know what to make with it. This app would help people cook with the food they already have, which would save them money in the end, and it would decrease the time spent deciding what to cook! Good job.
