Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Halfway Reflection : 14 A

1) Tenaciousness is a competency.

I would say that the best way to keep up with the class is to never give up, not even if it is a small assignment or a cupcake. I worked ahead on every assignment and watched all the lectures in order to establish a fixed schedule.

2) Tenaciousness is also about attitude.

Very often, I found the amount of work challenging, especially when added to the work of my two other classes. I remember that one week I had to study for two exams and I had two very long ENT assignments due the same day. The reason I pulled it through is because I know that missing one assignment and its peer review, worth three percent of our final grade which jeopardize my chances to get an “A” grade in the class. I definitely feel like this class helps us to develop tenaciousness. The assignments are not particularly hard and neither are the cupcake but this class requires a lot of extra work and it is this “extra-work” that contributes to this phenomenon the most.

3) Three tips.

Tip 1: Don’t forget to do the little things because everything is a little thing.

Tip 2: Work ahead

Tip 3: Really understand the grading system, so you can work and decide what to do according to your own standards


  1. Hey Max,
    I agree with you that you should never give up. If you set a schedule for yourself to get stuff done, you will get it done. Seems like you have a goal for all your classes so keep up the good work. Working ahead really relieves the stress off of you so I always try to work ahead as much as I can too. Great job!

  2. I feel like you've made some points that most people haven't, and they're very important perspectives. Sometimes you get busy and can't do an assignment. It's good to know if you can afford to not do it, or even better if you've worked ahead and don't have to worry. Great advice.
