Tuesday, November 27, 2018

26 A

As a transfer student, who also happens to be international, integration wasn’t that easy this semester. I am not talking about social integration but more about an integration related to the system. I’ve had a hard time understanding the structure of some of my classes and I am not ashamed to admit that I failed to achieve some of the objectives I set to myself before starting this semester. 

I didn’t perform as well as I wanted to in some of my classes due to time management. After my first Business statistics exam where I got a 76%, I understood that I had to change the way I will have to work at the University of Florida. I understood that studying a couple days before an exam would not satisfy myself with grades. After this failure, I worked harder than the previous exam and I got a 95% on my second exam. If some of you may think that this is a success, for me it only means that I failed the first one as a different method of studying would have got me a very similar result than the one I got on the second test. 

In General, I believe that it is hard to accept that you fail. It hits your ego and sometimes it pushes you backward. For me, failing only gives me more motivation. It helps me move forward. That is exactly what we learned in this class! We will fail times and times again, but it is only from those mistake that we will be able to move forward. This class also pointed out the fact that we should also learn from other people’s mistakes. Today, I am more than ever ready to take risks because I know that failure isn’t really failing. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Max,
    I’ve also failed some tests at UF and I had to change my study habits and I did achieve better results like you did! Failure does bring most people down, but the strong one will accept failure and try harder next time. I believe failing is practice that trains you for success in the future! This class has taught us about failure and we shouldn’t give up just because we failed at something.
